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Djenne Bust

Djenne peoples, Bamako Region, Mali
14th century
Height: 45 cm – Width: 20 cm – Depth: 12 cm

Of archaeological origin, Djenne terracottas sculptures are among of the oldest African artworks. Their function, undoubtedly ritual, remains uncertain and subject to numerous hypotheses. While most of the known examples are somewhat fragmentary, the surviving torso of this hieratically conceived dignitary exhibits an unusual level of completeness.

TL Test: CIRAM, Dr Armel Bouvier, Martillac, FR, 8th July, 2015, [Ref. No. 0715-OA-172X] – assuming an average annual dose-rate of 5 mGy/yr, the approximate age of their last heating would be about 660 ± 80 years old

X Ray: SCANTIX, Dr Marc Ghysels, Brussels, 4th June, 2015, [Ref. No. 150604-1]


Claude-Henri Pirat, Belgium
Pierre Dartevelle, Belgium
Claus Schmidt Luprian, Munich