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Paysage à Saint – Cloud

Antoni Clavé
(Barcelona, 1913 – Saint – Tropez, 2005)
Height: 56 cm – Length: 25 cm
Oil on panel

This artwork is registered in the Antoni Clavé Archives (nº 45 HPN 14)

Antoni Clavé developed his activity in practically all the artistic fields: painting, engraving, lithography, collage, sculpture and photography.

It was in 1942 when the modernized process of Clavé’s painting began. He did not follow the radical avant-garde trends, but first let himself be impregnated by the intimate, decorative and elegant spirit of the painters Bonnard and Vuillard. He began to paint intimate scenes reflecting and projecting his own universe…


Galerie Delpierre, Paris
Private collection, Italy
Private collection, New York


Galerie Delpierre. Antoni Clavé. Paris, 1946