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Shoku (Belonging)

by Yūichi Inoue (1916-1985)
Dated 1976
Painting: Height: 119.7 cm – Width: 219.7 cm
Ink on paper, framed
Sealed Yūichi

« When I write a particular character, I am often asked about the meaning of that character. At that point I usually say something that amounts to what you would find in the dictionary. And yet that is a mere entrance-way and no more. To give an explanation that goes as far as I have worked out with great efforts is impossible. »

— Inoue Yūichi, September 1977, [SHO] by YU-ICHI ’49-’79, edited by Unagami Masaomi, UNAC TOKYO Co. Ltd, 1980.


Acquired by the previous owner from Japan Art, Frankfurt, Germany


Masaomi Unagami ed., YU-ICHI, Catalogue Raisonné of the works 1949-1985, Vol. 2 1970-1976, UNAC Tokyo, (Tokyo, 1998), no.76015